Monday, November 7, 2011

OKEtsy Featured Seller: TessaYvonne

Hi Tessa. Please introduce yourself. 
My name is Tessa Hamilton and I live in McAlester.  I enjoy many different types of crafts but above all else, I enjoy making jewelry.

Where does your inspiration come from?
My inspiration comes right from the items I use in my jewelry.  I start with a stone, bead, crystal, etc. and the ideas of how I want a piece to look just come to me from there.  I especially love making custom pieces because my customers help focus my creativity by giving me some ideas about what they like. However, I don't just get inspiration from the materials I use, I also get inspiration from things around me.  A change in seasons may direct my attention to different color choices or a fashion trend my challenge me to try different materials.

What is your favorite media to work with?
I would have to say that sterling silver has been my favorite media to work with so far.  Sterling silver isn't as expensive as gold and I presonally wear more silver than gold.  I love cutting, bending, and soldering sterling silver.  The feeling of working with the tools and manipulating something in my hands to make something new and beautiful is truely gratifying.

 Where would you like to see yourself 5/10 years from now in this project?
In five years I would like to offer a larger selection of jewelry and as I currently only sell my pieces within the United States I would also like to be selling internationally.  In ten years I would like to expand my shop offerings to a full line of woman's accessories such as scarves, bags, and hair accessories.

What is one of your keys to success?
The key to success for me this far has been to keep finding new ways to get noticed.  I talk about TessaYvonne on my personal Facebook page, I also have a Facebook page for TessaYvonne, I place business cards in several places in town, I talk about TessaYvonne to anyone who is willing to listen, I get involved in Teams like the OKEtsy Team, I create treasures, and I wear my jewelry.  One because I like what I make, but it's also easy to talk to a stranger about TessaYvonne after they compliment something I have on that day.

What is one crazy thing about you?
My stepdaughter said the one crazy thing about me would be my two stepchildren.  My husband might agree.  I love them all and while they drive me crazy from time to time, I would have to say that one crazy thing about me is I shop in color.  It's something I do without noticing.  Depending on how I feel whether I'm shopping for jewelry materials or for clothing, I will buy items in a monochromatic fashion.  One shopping trip I will buy oranges and another trip I may bring home greens.

What is something you would love to learn how to do?
I would love to learn how to speak Italian.  I think the language is beautiful and I would love to go to Italy in my lifetime and be able to easily communicate with the locals as I sample their cheeses and take in the views.  Delizioso!

What is your favorite color?
My favorite color is yellow.  Though I like all colors, yellow makes me think of lemon scents and bright sunny days.  It's a cheery, clean color to me.

What do you love about Oklahoma? 
I love the people of Oklahoma.  They are warm and inviting, hardworking and giving, and they would do anything to help family, friends, and neighbors.  I think Oklahoma, especially where I live, is an excellent place to raise children.  I live in a rather small area which facilitates a close community and the morals and values I was raised with are all around.
Be sure to check out Tessa's fun jewelry over at

And visit her on facebook at

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